CE St Stephen Walbrook [R] Wed, 25th October 2023
Beauty of sound, not one harsh moment, characterised the singing in this service, and the playing in the closing voluntary, giving much needed balm for the soul. The unaccompanied introit, anthem and canticles seemed to float effortlessly in the warm, resonant acoustic so clearly caught in the engineering. (Campion’s original setting of Never Weather in In Tune 10 minutes later.)The usual caveat - unnecessary explanations to the lessons and hymns; the lessons expressively read, so no need of further comment. (As a person of a certain age, I find it hard to forget the Havergal chant used to set the Highway Code to Anglican chant many years ago.)
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The Choral Scholars certainly include some very talented singers. Enjoyed this very much. One of these days I hope to visit the City churches and take in more music and services.
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CE St Stephen Walbrook [R] Wed, 25th October 2023
CE St Stephen Walbrook [R] Wed, 25th October 2023
Choral Scholars of St Stephen Walbrook
Order of Service:
Introit: Crossing the bar (Rani Arbo)
Responses: Will Harmer
Psalm 119 vv.73-96 (Havergal, Turle)
First Lesson: Jonah 1:1-17
Office Hymn: Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)
Canticles: Andrews in D
Second Lesson: Luke 5: 1-11
Anthem: Never weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Prayer Anthem: May the mind of Christ (Jack Redman)
Hymn: The Church’s one foundation (Aurelia)
Voluntary: Adagio (Bridge)
Phoebe Tak Man Chow (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)
Recorded in June
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