Islander R4...a must listen!



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    Islander R4...a must listen!

    A radio version of the award-winning a capella musical, with voiced sound effects.

    I don't think I've ever been so entertained and thrilled than by this afternoon's R4 Drama at 2.15.
    The whole thing was performed by just two women who did all the voices, sung and spoken, along with a lot of technical wizardry. They swung in and out of music. poetry and witty dialogue in seamless fashion. I was utterly transported and I really recommend this, especially using headphones to get the full effect. Music superb with clever rhythmic patterns.

    The two-hander female cast sing all the songs, perform a whole host of characters, while weaving, building and layering their voices to create all the sound effects into an expansive, ethereal soundscape for the ears and imagination.
    Performed and sung by Kirsty Findlay and Bethany Tennick
    Winner of Musical Theatre Review’s Best Musical Award – Edinburgh Fringe 2019