Opera On 3 / Met Live relay Met Opera Der Rosenkavalier



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    Opera On 3 / Met Live relay Met Opera Der Rosenkavalier

    Some exceptional singing from Lise Davidsen , Samantha Hankey and Erin Morley in this. Highly recommended. Hankey as Octavian was absolutely outstanding. - a beautifully pure voice . Went to the Met live relay which had a stream failure half way through the second act. So far I’ve been to five relays and had comps for four of them become technical issues- picked up another set last night for Don Giovanni which has a rehearsal taster last night.
    I got back in time to rehear the Act 3 Rosenkavalier end last night - as always the radio sound is so much better than the cinema which for some reason is overly compressed. With modern sound systems that shouldn’t necessary.
    Someone in the Met audience was coughing so loudly in the Trio I thought it was some one in the cinema.

    I heard only Act 1 and the Presentation of the Rose and enjoyed the singing more than the playing. Unfair to criticise though, not having heard most of it!

