What does the future hold for the BBC Orchestras?



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    Radio 4 Today programme this morning at 6.50am.. Will Gompertz, former arts correspondent, interviewed on Rattle's analysis of a pincer movement to destroy Classical music. Gompertz agreed with him, commented etc etc. That ACE and BBC cuts done in a destructive, negligent way on an ecosystem already cut to the bone and struggling from particular post Covid adversities.

    The risible defence* was "in the next x years we will spend x £million on classical music which is x % of our spending" (didn't catch - think that was ACE). Inevitably, including opera companies, it was a significant percentage.

    *This is so standard a response from this tired, destructive, bankrupt (of worth and achievement) government and its agents that its insulting. It assumes we are so stupid we don't realise it means nothing without context - all public spending over x carefully chosen years sounds like a lot to the soft minded.

    Apologies if this has already been covered, I'm busy travelling and this is done on the move......


      Serves us right for having 'Posh' tastes.


        (have posted this on the Arts Council Cuts thread, but perhaps it belongs here)

        ... excellent piece by Martin Kettle in The Guardian -

        The arts and classical music say much about us as a country. Labour should fight for their place in our national life, says Guardian columnist Martin Kettle


