Murdoch diversion

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  • amateur51

    Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
    Where did S-S work? I'd love to know.
    On the old board Simon revealed that he worked for a while at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. A few people tried to prise a little more detail out of him but he went all coy.

    I suggested that he actually delivered milk there and he didn't deny it
    Last edited by Guest; 07-09-11, 22:55. Reason: trypo


    • Mahlerei

      Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
      On the old board Simon revealed that he worked for a while at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. A few people tried to prise a little more detail out of him but he went all coy.

      I suggested that he actually delivered milk there and he didn't deny it
      Bless. it's just that he sounded a tad menacing, as if to imply it was somewhere dark and dangerous (like teh Stasi, perhaps).


      • amateur51

        Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
        Bless. it's just that he sounded a tad menacing, as if to imply it was somewhere dark and dangerous (like teh Stasi, perhaps).
        Express Dairies might sound a tad menacing if you were of a bovine persuasion Cows don't like to be rushed


        • Anna

          I thought Simon taught English as a Foreign Language

          Edit: I wasn't trying to be funny, I honestly thought Simon was a TEFL teacher
          Last edited by Guest; 07-09-11, 23:16.


          • Mahlerei

            Anna mia

            I have ze bone to pick with you... (in the nicest possible way, of course).


            • Chris Newman
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 2100

              Originally posted by Anna View Post
              I thought Simon taught English as a Foreign Language

              Edit: I wasn't trying to be funny, I honestly thought Simon was a TEFL teacher
              No, Anna,
              Simon's distortion of reality proves that he taught foreign languages thinking they were English.


              • Mr Pee
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3285

                Amateur 51:-
                Why is Simon allowed to get away with these sneering attacks on other Board Members?
                Mr. Pee:-
                As for the "sneering attacks", the phrase pot and kettle comes to mind. Simon has been on the receiving end of his fair share from certain posters here.
                Chris Newman:-
                Simon's distortion of reality proves that he taught foreign languages thinking they were English.
                I rest my case.......
                Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                Mark Twain.


                • Lateralthinking1

                  The odd thing is that everyone is falling out here and yet no one has the power or the inclination to ruin others' lives.

                  I would just like to add that this geezer - - was the only person in the 25 years of my work who used the f word against me in a furious temper. I believe he called me a "f-----g a------e". He didn't know me from Adam. I just happened to pick up the phone late on a Friday when no one was there and he hadn't got what he wanted from other officials who had gone home. I hadn't triggered it and I dealt with it calmly. However, I viewed it as a complete abuse of power and have never valued a word he has said ever since.

                  Shortly afterwards, his son smashed a man's head with a champagne bottle because the other guy accidentally trod on his foot - I assume needless aggression runs in their family.

                  Interestingly, he accuses the BBC of behaving in a "highly disproportionate manner".

                  STOP PRESS - Amess "ran from the Echo to avoid questions after his expenses showed he claimed the maximum of £400 for food every month for the past four years....The Tory MP sought refuge in a hairdressers’ as he tried to duck the issue.....He eventually made his escape when a car arrived at the salon in Westcliff and drove him away, with Mr Amess hiding his face behind a leaflet" -

                  Academic achievement - BSc degree with honours in Economics and Government, Bournemouth College of Technology.
                  Last edited by Guest; 08-09-11, 00:54.


                  • Chris Newman
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2100

                    To my knowledge there is usually no inclination to ruin other's lives. I agree that none of us has the power to do that as most of what is on threads like this is banter and we argue our points but pull each others' legs. However, I feel I need to strongly express my annoyance at the tactics of some board members. I do wonder at the motives of about three members who almost entirely spend their time on the boards on threads of this nature and continually question the politics and patriotism of those who express an opinion.

                    One of those members today, probably in temper rather than reality, uttered what read to some members as a McCarthyite threat: I am sure that he is biting his lip and wishing he could control himself.

                    I am not, to the best of my knowledge, left wing. I am a law abiding citizen and wish the best for society, my country and all countries of good will. I do not think that sharing out of the nation's honey pot is a right. I do believe in the NHS and a state pension scheme and that the funding of those essentials should be strengthened. I believe that things in life have to be earned. I am not convinced that the Royal Family is necessary. I have yet to be convinced that Trident is of any use whatsoever. I believe that the greatest danger facing the world is mankind's treatment of the environment and that the evidence is there that we as humankind are wrecking this planet, and that those who cannot see this are sad selfish fools. My opinions are no different to those of most Democrats in the United States. They are certainly very close to those one reads between the lines of Dean Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver's Travels, regularly a set book in school exams. I believe in a just society. I believe in human rights, things set down in the United States Declaration of Independence and the French Constitution. I am sick of being branded left wing by a trio of extreme right wingers who use this board regularly to put forward ideas that Hitler, Stalin, Gaddafi, Amin and others would be proud of AND incidentally HAVE YET TO BE SEEN writing about the arts, which I believe judging by other threads is the reason most of us are members. I regularly comment on music, painting, theatre etc because I love them. I occasionally join a thread like this, make a leg-pull of something I think is ridiculous and in return I sometimes get branded left wing. I hope those that keep saying it will see that they are so far to the right that very soon they will fall off the edge of their flat earth.


                    • Lateralthinking1

                      Hello Chris. Thank you for writing these comments which are clearly genuine, understandable and heartfelt. You have addressed them to me but I am guessing that they are for everyone to read. I know that you are someone who often makes a special effort to be personally supportive. Believe me. That means a lot. I have never found you to be anything other than decent and fair-minded. While I am a Host, I am not a Host for P3 or indeed a moderator for any of the boards. I try to do my community duty when possible to calm the waters as this seems to be the right thing to do. I know many others do the same. I have learnt quite a lot here. I used to become somewhat obsessive about topics and occasionally rather heated - it is a trait and there is always the potential! - but I have trained myself a little to curb the excesses. I don't want to sound smug but I feel good for having done so.

                      I tend to be a bit offbeat naturally. Sometimes it works and at other times not. I've had an awful couple of days which have led me back to one of my other forms of behaviour - ranting at "the system" in a non party political way. This can be boring to others and actually I have contributed less today for that reason. Generally though I hope that it doesn't feel aimed personally at anyone here. While I am helped by having political views that are not easily categorised - I wonder if people stopped to question the left wing v right wing stuff they would see that their views aren't an exact fit with label either - there is much in your manifesto I find agreeable. This country becomes more confusing politically by the day - I don't like much of what I see - but if I were in the US, it would be more clear cut. I would be an Obama man. While this might seem to show my true colours to some on the right here, I would be a little surprised if all of them would be happy to support the Tea Party if they were being truthful to themselves!

                      I completely agree that the main purpose of the forum is to discuss music and other art.

                      I leave my main point for now until last. I doubt that ff would welcome me greatly making this comment. She is more than able to manage this site well. In fact I think she does it brilliantly. Nevertheless when you think about it, it is a blimmin' tough role to undertake effectively. I just hope that people consistently recognise with gratitude the sheer amount of effort she puts in. The fact that she is so fair generally always leaves me with a question. Who of the members could do it like that? Not many, if any. I know I couldn't. We are so lucky to have her. So while no one would want to stifle debate, even of a robust nature, it is a nice thing, I think, to ask oneself "could what I am saying be making her role unduly difficult?" If so, perhaps it is worth thinking a little before writing because in that situation it isn't very pleasant just to go ahead. It is also defeating to the whole community and it can be unintentionally self-defeating too. I have never seen anyone "winning" that way if indeed winning is an objective.

                      I don't want to put words into your mouth but I think that some of this reflects your own position? It is certainly mine and it is written for anyone who wants to find it helpful......So there it is. These things are always difficult but I've tried. Hope it doesn't make things any worse. Through The Night is on now and it appears to have considerable approval! Kind regards. Lat.
                      Last edited by Guest; 08-09-11, 02:41.


                      • Mr Pee
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 3285

                        I am sick of being branded left wing by a trio of extreme right wingers who use this board regularly to put forward ideas that Hitler, Stalin, Gaddafi, Amin and others would be proud of AND incidentally HAVE YET TO BE SEEN writing about the arts,
                        I'm not sure whether I'm included in the above trio, but I've read nothing on this board, by any poster, that would have been put forward by Hitler, Stalin, etc. That is palbable nonsense.

                        As to the second part, I now realise you can't be referring to me- I certainly haven't started many non-musical threads recently- but I have posted on any number of music related threads over the years. Recently this Murdoch thread and the Trouble at T'Proms have been catching my attention, but I've also posted on threads about The Ring, Least Favourite Mahler Symphony, Franz Liszt, Favourite Tchaikovsky Symphony recordings, Ten Funniest Classical music Spoofs- actually I started that one- Left Handed Cellists, and the list goes on.

                        Thanks goodness for that!! I'd hate to be branded a right -winger! Tantamount to being a serial killer in some people's eyes, it seems!!
                        Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                        Mark Twain.


                        • Mr Pee
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3285

                          Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post

                          I leave my main point for now until last. I doubt that ff would welcome me greatly making this comment. She is more than able to manage this site well. In fact I think she does it brilliantly. Nevertheless when you think about it, it is a blimmin' tough role to undertake effectively. I just hope that people consistently recognise with gratitude the sheer amount of effort she puts in. The fact that she is so fair generally always leaves me with a question. Who of the members could do it like that? Not many, if any. I know I couldn't. We are so lucky to have her.
                          Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                          Mark Twain.


                          • mangerton
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 3346

                            Originally posted by french frank View Post
                            Because no one presses the Report button.
                            That's interesting. I usually read the comments from Simon and others from that edge of the political spectrum, smile sadly, shake my head and move on.

                            I've always believed in the "more rope..... hang themselves" policy, and in free speech.

                            (I'm not so sure about free poetry )

                            edit: I must agree with Mr Pee's


                            • Mandryka

                              Amess presumably still feels grateful to the Murdoch Empire for helping him retain his Basildon redoubt in the 1992 election - I would assume that gratitude is behind his recent anti-BBC outpourings.

                              He is also a fervent anti-abortionist: that fact alone would, in a civilised society, have prevented him from even standing for, let alone being elected to, parliament.


                              • amateur51

                                Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                                Because The Times and the Sunday Times are both fine newspapers, in my the view the best in their field. I wouldn't say the same for The Sun, but it fills a particular niche, for those who like that sort of thing.

                                As for the "sneering attacks", the phrase pot and kettle comes to mind. Simon has been on the receiving end of his fair share from certain posters here. Amateur- perhaps you might consider deleting your rather juvenile and tiresome signature, for a start......
                                What is juvenile about my warning people that if they reply to my post, Simon will be able to read my messages in direct contravention of his wishes as expressed by his blocking me, pray?

