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Last year I was too late to buy a jelly bag with a stand, so had to manage with an upturned stool, colander and piece of muslin. This year I'm professionally equipped and the rose hips and haws are very plentiful (curiously, I have only four tiny crab apples on my tree this year). Mid September will be for picking the rose hips, beginning of October for the haws. Pessimistically, I'm a believer in beginner's luck so I fully expect this year with all my expert knowledge to be a complete failure after last year's surprising triumph.

Last year I was too late to buy a jelly bag with a stand, so had to manage with an upturned stool, colander and piece of muslin. This year I'm professionally equipped and the rose hips and haws are very plentiful (curiously, I have only four tiny crab apples on my tree this year). Mid September will be for picking the rose hips, beginning of October for the haws. Pessimistically, I'm a believer in beginner's luck so I fully expect this year with all my expert knowledge to be a complete failure after last year's surprising triumph.